Add a New Row to Dataverse – URL was not parsed due to an ODataUnrecognizedPathException

Are you trying to Add a New Row to Dataverse using a Power Automate Flow and receiving the following error?

URL was not parsed due to an ODataUnrecognizedPathException. Resource not found for the segment provided in the URL.

Are you populating a lookup field with the guid of the record you are trying to relate it with? If so, you may be using the incorrect syntax when setting the field which is why you are receiving the error.

When populating a lookup field, you need to use the logical plural name of the entity. This includes the prefix if the lookup is for a custom entity. For example, in the Add a new row action pictured below, I am setting two lookup fields; one for a custom entity called Auction, and the other for the standard Account entity.

For the custom entity, I used the logical plural including the prefix followed by the guid wrapped in brackets:


Follow the same syntax for the out of the box entities, for example:


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