Add a New Row to Dataverse – URL was not parsed due to an ODataUnrecognizedPathException

Are you trying to Add a New Row to Dataverse using a Power Automate Flow and receiving the following error? URL was not parsed due to an ODataUnrecognizedPathException. Resource not found for the segment provided in the URL. Are you populating a lookup field with the guid of the record you are trying to relate … Read more

Power Automate: Get HTTP Status Code and Output from a non-HTTP action

I came across the requirement today where I had a HTTP triggered Flow that was being called by another application. The Flow was making some insertions to Dataverse using the Add a new row Action. I needed to return the HTTP response (and error message if it failed) to the client application. I am used … Read more

Secure a HTTP Triggered Power Automate Flow with OAuth

I needed to securely send data to a Dataverse environment in a client’s tenant from my Azure tenant. The target endpoint listening for HTTP requests to consume the data was a HTTP triggered Power Automate Flow. As HTTP triggered Power Automate Flow’s are natively exposed to the Internet, I needed to find a way to … Read more